Thursday, May 31, 2007


I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my post. This will be a work in progress, to say the least, so please be patient. Nonetheless, I will be adding to this site weekly and share a little about myself and I will mostly write thoughts of our Lord. Again thanks and there will be more to come.

Loving the Logos,


glo said...

I feel so blessed to have Bro. Yogi as a friend and my new pastor. The Lord has led him our way and to us as we need him to lead us forward in our church...

We have soo much to look forward to at SBC with Bro Yogi,Kelli,and Noah.

He is definitely answer to our prayers and what a privilege I had to have served on the committee and to have helped bring Yogi before our congregation for vote as pastorate.

We will have a great future, I know!

blessings to you,Bro. Yogi, and your little family.

Ms. Gloria

Joe R said...

It's been my pleasure to work alongside my Bro Yogi at Waterfront Rescue Mission. While he never wavered in his commitment to his work at the Mission, I could not help but see that he had the heart of a Pastor and I know his big ol' heart will be a blessing wherever he goes. I cannot wait to see the Pastor he will become and how he will continue to serve the God we love.
God bless you, my friend